



Tutanota的联合创始人Matthias Pfau表示,这一判决不会影响其他用户的电子邮件,但可能会为电子邮件安全和隐私设置一个危险的先例。如果其他类似案件在未来数月或数年内浮出水面,这起案件可能会为更具侵入性的监控铺平道路。




Tutanota is one of the few mail providers that encrypts the entire mailbox. The encrypted data can’t be decrypted by us as only the user holds the key for decryption.

This ruling requires Tutanota to hand out newly incoming and outgoing non-encrypted emails of one suspected criminal before these are being encrypted.

The ruling does not affect any other mail account. It also does not affect already encrypted data or emails that are sent with end-to-end encryption. Only the user has access to the key so we are not able to decrypt any data.

This ruling again shows why end-to-end encryption is important. Any email sent without end-to-end encryption must be considered as not confidential and we always explain this to our users.

Edit: While we have to comply with court orders, we go to great lengths to fight for our users’ privacy. That’s why we will file an appeal against the decision. Furthermore, we are currently preparing an appeal to the BGH in a similar case in order to obtain a decision from the highest court.


  1. https://np.reddit.com/r/tutanota/comments/k3sfs5/in_englisch_court_forces_mail_provider_tutanota/ge4xywc/
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/tutanota/comments/kaawl1/german_court_forces_encrypted_email_provider/


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